My name is Peter Hillerström, welcome to my site! I'm passionate about game development, GPU's, rendering and low-level programming. I'm a professional software engineer with an MSc in Computer Science from Chalmers University of Technology. I currently work in games, both in my spare time and as my “real” job.
In my spare time I'm currently working on a voxel-based action-adventure game with the codename Apocatropics. It's written in its own bespoke game engine in C-like C++ and D3D12 (some day I will write a lengthy blog post about when you should and should not write your own game engine). It's far from done, but hopefully I'll have exciting stuff to show off soon.
A few years ago I released a 3D snake game called snakium³. Feel free to try it out!
Outside of work I'm a lover of fiction, movies, books, games, you name it. I especially love science fiction, both good and bad. My favourite movie is the 2001 Japanese-Polish cult-classic Avalon.
Check out my blog to see what I'm up to lately, or perhaps my career if you are a recruiter interested in hiring me. I'm available on Github (second Github), Twitter and of course by mail.